The Ignatian Mission Center Food Pantry works with and is supported by the Greater Chicago Food Depository.
Major donors to the Food Pantry include:
The S&C Electric Company Fund at the Chicago Community Foundation, grant, April 2023;
Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, grant, June 2023;
The Ford and Weiler Family;
Anonymous Rogers Park donor;
Lee Kemper;
Elizabeth & Gloria Ann Press;
Major donors for general operations of the Mission Center include:
Nancy Lennon;
Anonymous Rogers Park family foundation, grant;
John and Meg Hogan;
Penny Ford;
Denise & Peter Illing.
These patrons have donated in honor of
or in memory of others:
Dorothea and Mike Tobin, including in honor of Fr. Mark Scalese;
Thomas Burke in loving memory of Nancy Burke;
Elizabeth Smith in honor of her mom, Claire Owen.
In honor of longtime food pantry volunteer Paul Kelly:
Jane Neufeld;
Kathleen Carlson;
Cesar & Joyce Sanchez
Patricia O’Neal
Tom. Bryan Liz and Mark Burroughs
Kathleen & Joseph Morris
The Ford and Weiler Family
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